1 / What is Reiki?
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "Laying on Hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "Life Force Energy " flows through us and is what causes us to be alive .
Reiki is described as being practiced for over 2500 years and has been commonly used in Eastern healing. In the early 20th century, the practice was rediscovered and standardized by Dr. Mikaeo Usui*. Source: sciencedirect.com
2 / How can Guiding Light Services help?
Our services are individually designed to help with your healing journey and may assist with: relaxation, stress management, pain relief, anxiety & panic attacks, surgery recovery, chemotherapy treatment, depression, headaches/migraines, finding the healer within, and new spiritual journey,
Each session is personalized to deal with our client's individual beings and concerns. Reiki and IET is not just for when you're sick or distressed, it should be introduced in addition to your current health and wellness routines.
3 / How should I get ready for my
in-person appointment?
Come to the appointment with open mind and kind heart. Think or list the issues that you may be facing now or in the past. Meditate on receiving answers and healing before the appointment. We will discuss your concerns, the process, what to expect and how to continue your healing journey at the first meeting.
Our facility is "scent free" and thus we ask that you resist wearing any perfumes or scented lotions prior to your session.
4 / Phone Guiding Light Services - How do they work?
"Rei" means "Universal Energy"
"Ki" means "Life Force Energy"
When a practitioner provides a long distance healing for a client, the Energy of Reiki is then ignited per say, and connect with a client to discuss issues that they may be carrying so that the Reiki may guide the practitioner to where the client may need healing. This energy surrounds us all, I set intentions to go to wherever the client may be in the world and it is then sent to the client.
Open mindfulness is the key for healing. The Reiki is a very Loving Energy that brings comfort, relaxation, and calmness. So that the client may start healing from the inside out. Releasing the negative energy that we carry for our Mind, Body, and Soul.
5 / How often should I get treatment?
Usually our clients find balance in coming every 2 weeks at the beginning but we will discuss the right frequency based on your issues/concerns and needs at our first appointment.
6 / What to do after your appointment?
We recommend taking an Epson salt bath to release negative feelings or energy. This will relax and wash away the worries or any resistance. Make sure to hydrate with water after your appointment. You may experience new thoughts or sensations, don't fight those and allow those thoughts to come through. Do not fear any changes or feelings that may come up. You may choose to journal or share with a loved one about these feelings and thoughts that come. Feel free to contact us:
Contact Us to Discuss>​​
7 / Is Reiki based on a religion?
Reiki is not based on a religion and isn't a religion on its own. It's a spiritual healing technic and a way of self-improvement.
The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - "Rei" which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power " and "Ki" which is "Life force Energy ". So Reiki is actually "Spiritually guided life force energy".*
Source: International Association of Reiki Professionals>​​
8 / What else should I know?
Reiki is sometimes covered by insurance benefits under holistic care. Check with your provider if the session (or part of the cost) is covered by your plan.​
Fun Fact: Alberta and British Columbia in Canada recognized Reiki as necessary alternative medicine for Cancer Care in their medical field and covers a portion of the treatment financially.​